Lamborn staffer joins oil and gas industry lobby group, ties to Big Oil and Gas grow stronger

Just a few weeks after news of a former staffer to Rep. Scott Tipton (R- Colo.) joining the oil and gas lobby group Western Energy Association, an Open Secrets blog has the continuing tale of the exodus from HNRC member offices to oil and gas lobbying groups. Rep. Doug Lamborn’s (R-Colo.) legislative assistant, Mallori McClure, has joined the wildcats over at The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPPA).

Rep. Lamborn – best known to our readers for his months-long effort to give millions of acres of public land and bargain basement royalty rates to oil shale speculators – has close ties to IPPA. According to Open Secrets, the group has supported him in all three of his elections, putting a total $16,500 from its PAC account into his campaign account (a portion of the $170,462 Open Secrets reports Rep. Lamborn has taken from oil and gas interests).

Since Rep. Lamborn is staying chair of the Energy and Mineral Resources subcommittee, we’re sure it won’t be very long before Ms. McClure is back in his office for a visit.

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